2022 Customer Survey Question Title * 1. Which products do you purchase from Vermont Gage? (mark all that apply) Plain Rings Plain Plugs Threaded Rings Threaded Plugs Certifications Other Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How would you rate the delivery performance of Vermont Gage threaded product? Always on time Above average Average Below average Always late Question Title * 3. How would you rate the delivery performance of Vermont Gage product excluding threaded product? Always on time Above average Average Below average Always late Question Title * 4. The value of Vermont Gage products compared to price paid is: Excellent Good Fair Poor Question Title * 5. The Customer Service Representatives I deal with are: Friendly, polite & courteous Polite but not very friendly Going through the motions Rude Question Title * 6. When requesting technical help, I obtain an answer that satisfies my needs: Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never Question Title * 7. When issues arise, Vermont Gage’s ability to resolve them quickly is: Excellent Good Neutral Fair Poor Question Title * 8. How would you rate the quality of our threaded product? Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Question Title * 9. How would you rate the quality of our plain products? Excellent Good Fair Poor N/A Question Title * 10. How important is ISO 17025 accreditation to your purchasing decision? Very important Somewhat important Doesn't matter as long as product quality is good Question Title * 11. General satisfaction with Vermont Gage's overall performance is: Compares favorably to others Good, some are better Average Compares less favorably than others Question Title * 12. How would you rate the usefulness, clarity, and functionality of the new vermontgage.com website? Excellent Good Neutral Fair Poor N/A Question Title * 13. Company Type End User Distributor Question Title * 14. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns? Question Title * 15. What changes would most improve Vermont Gage's service? Question Title * 16. Please provide your company name. Company City/Town State/Province Done