
At Friendship Wesleyan Church (FWC) it is our desire to not only see people come into a relationship with Jesus Christ, but also to see each and every believer experience healing and the ability to grow in the fullness of  that relationship. As we move forward we are seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance and would like to ask you to help us help you. We have put together the following survey in an attempt to know where and how we can best minister to your needs as well as the needs of this body of believers. It will help us greatly if you will fill out this short survey letting us know what area(s) you think will help you the most. 

This survey is meant to be anonymous, so we will not ask for your name on this survey. As we are only trying to gauge the overall needs of this body, at this time. Once we have had the chance to assess the information we will be able to put together a plan to maximize our ministry efforts in a way that will provide the most help. If you have a specific need that you want addressed immediately please seek out one of the Pastoral staff or a member of leadership so we can hear you out.

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* 1. I am...

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* 2. In your journey of healing and growth what would you find most beneficial to help you in the process?

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* 3. Which support groups would you find most beneficial?

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* 4. Please rank your interest in the following  classes, or courses. #1 represents the most interest. Increasing numbers represent less and less interest.

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* 5. Is there a support group, class/course, or other growth idea/opportunity that you would like to share?

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* 6. What is your age group