Thank you for taking about 5 minutes to answer these 7 survey questions. You are helping us make the Mountain Brook Art Show one of the best in our area!

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* 1. Overall, is there a general reason you didn't exhibit in this year's show? (more than one answer is possible)

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* 2. Overall, is there a particular reason you did not volunteer or visit the show? (more than one answer is possible)

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* 3. How likely are you to be an exhibitor next year in the same event, same location?

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* 4. How likely are you to be a volunteer next year in the same event, same location?

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* 5. How likely are you to participate in the Norton's Floral Competition? (must be a volunteer or exhibitor)

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* 6. How interested are you in MBAA partnering with the Chamber of Commerce which would include more food and beverage options as well as a different location in Crestline?

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* 7. Do you have other comments that might be helpful as we plan for next year's spring art show?