New England Association of Chiefs of Police

The following survey is being conducted by the New England Chiefs of Police Association as part of their operational analysis and the development of a strategic plan to clarify the operational purpose of the Association. We are open to all comments and guidance that will assist in improving the professional image of the NEACOP and operational success. The association desires to provide its members not only the participation in a professional organization, but meeting the needs of its members.

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* 1. Are you currently a member of the New England Chiefs of Police Association?

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* 2. Are you satisfied with the current operations of the NEACOP?

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* 3. When was the last time you attended a NEACOP annual training conference?

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* 4. If you have attended a NEACOP annual training conference, have you found it beneficial?

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* 5. Do you find the NEACOP a benefit for New England Chiefs?

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* 6. Do you include your Command Staff in NEACOP programs?

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* 7. Have you or your staff participated in the Roger Williams University Command Training Series?

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* 8. What Roger Williams University Training programs have your department members attended. Select all that apply:

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* 9. What services could NEACOP offer or provide resources for to add to their membership benefit?  Please rate the following topics in order of importance:

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* 10. Would you support a raise in membership fees to cover the cost of additional services?

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* 11. What suggestions would you have to increase membership for the NEACOP?

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* 12. What benefits should NEACOP consider offering to enhance their member benefits?

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* 13. What could NEACOP offer that would assist you in the operation of your department today?

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* 14. The 2022 NEACOP Annual Training Program is October 30th – November 2nd in Manchester VT.  What training would be beneficial to you and your staff.  Please identify as many topics as you would like.