2023 Regional Society Officers List

Please fill out this form as completely as possible. This information is used to update officer assignments in SGNA’s database as well as our contact lists, so please ensure the information is reflective of your 2023 regional officers. If you have any changes or additions to make to your officer list after submitting the form please call 312.321.5165 or email info@sgna.org to update when available.

Question Title

* 1. Region Name/Number

Question Title

* 2. President

Question Title

* 3. President-Elect

Question Title

* 4. Immediate Past President

Question Title

* 5. Treasurer

Question Title

* 6. Secretary

Question Title

* 7. Legislative Liaison

Question Title

* 8. Other Officers

Question Title

* 9. Other Officers

Question Title

* 10. Other Officers

Question Title

* 11. Other Officers

Question Title

* 12. Other Officers

Question Title

* 13. Include any additional officers not listed above in the comment box

Question Title

* 14. Please upload the most recent version of your Regional Bylaws

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