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The maximum score is 400 points

Question Title

Shoreland zones diagram courtesy of the Minnesota DNR

<span style="color: #000000;"><strong>Shoreland zones diagram courtesy of the Minnesota DNR</strong></span>

Question Title

* 1. Shoreline Buffer Zone (water's edge to 25-50 ft. landward)
What percentage of the buffer is un-mowed and/or includes
native grasses, plants, trees, or shrubs?

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* 2. Upland Zone (shoreland buffer to access road)
What percentage of the upland zone includes trees, shrubs, and natural ground cover?

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* 3. Riprap

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* 4. Is your property treated with yard chemicals which may include fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides/insecticides or aquacides? Please be kind to pollinators and wildlife habitat.

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* 5. Of the Gull Chain of Lakes, which lake are you on? If you are on main Gull, an area is helpful.

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* 6. Thank you for taking the quiz, the first step toward the Lake Steward Award for protecting our lakes. May we email you about the next step?

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* 7. We would appreciate your providing identifying information; it will not be shared. When the survey period has been completed, the anonymized data will be aggregated and shared with members so we can have a better understanding of our lakes’ health.  With surveys being repeated annually, we will be able to examine trends and progress made in  shoreland health.

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* 8. Your questions, comments and suggestions are welcome.