1. Food Security Survey

Cold Lake First Nations Food Security Survey
Cold Lake First Nations is leading a community focused food security research project. This research project is being done to understand Cold Lake First Nations food systems at a household and community level and to understand what the causes of food insecurity for Cold Lake First Nations are. The first part of this research project is a survey to be filled out by Cold Lake First Nation members.
Why am I being asked to take part in this survey?
  • You are being asked to participate in this study because you are a member of Cold Lake First Nations.
Why is this research being done?
  • This survey is part of a larger food security research project.
The objectives of this research are to:
  1. Looking at what is causing food insecurity in Cold Lake First Nations
  2. How to solve/alleviate food insecurity and turn Cold Lake First Nations into a food secure community
  3. Promote food security and sovereignty.
This research work is being coordinated through the Cold Lake First Nations Land and Resource Department. This survey and project are part of a larger project led through the Arramat project (https://arramatproject.org).
What will happen to the survey information?
  • The answers that you share through the survey will be held by Cold Lake First Nations. The data will not be used for any other purpose.
  • Your name will not be attached to any of the survey answers, and we will give you an anonymous identity. If you would like to have your name identified with your survey, please let us know.
  • You will have 30 days after the survey to withdraw from the study, however, after this point, we may not be able to remove information from reports etc.
  • A summary from the project will be developed and shared with other partners in Alberta so they can learn more from you about changes you are experiencing. Cold Lake First Nations will not include information in the summary reports that it considers confidential or information you do not wish to be shared publicly.
  • In addition to the summary reports from your region, Cold Lake First Nations will work with other organizations and universities to create academic outcomes that shows how changes occurring in your region are the same or different from other areas.
What if I have questions?
  • If you have any questions about the research now or later, please contact Fin MacDermid at fin.macdermid@clfns.com or Rae Boisvert at rae.boisvert@clfns.com.
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11% of survey complete.