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Chillicothe Transit is going through a 9-month planning process to improve transit options for residents and visitors alike. One option that is being explored is an on-demand transit system. On-demand transit is a direct curb to curb service that does not operate on a fixed route (can take you anywhere within the service area). Please take a few moments to consider the following options and help us design what on-demand service might look like for our community. 

Please answer the following questions specific to what YOU would do and use, not what you think the general public would use. This service would operate in the City of Chillicothe with major destinations (i.e. Adena, Kenworth, VA, etc.) included. Vehicles used would be wheelchair accessible buses or vans. The cost would be free.

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* 1. Do you live in Chillicothe city limits?

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* 2. Have you ever rode Chillicothe Transit?

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* 3. I would like to schedule my ride... (choose all that apply)

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* 4. Would you use on-demand transit if scheduling was.... (choose all that apply)

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* 5. I would like pick-up and drop-offs to be

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* 6. If the scenario I chose above was implemented, I would use Chillicothe Transit's

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* 7. If Chillicothe Transit operated an on-demand system like the scenario I chose, I would use it

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* 8. Please leave any further details below. If you would like to have a further conversation about the project, please leave your contact information below.

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