The Habit Mindset Survey

1.What is your single biggest challenge about creating or breaking habits?(Required.)
2.What are your top 3 struggles you face regarding your habits?(Required.)
3.What have you tried in the past to create/break habits?(Required.)
4.What would you like to learn in order to create good habits for life?(Required.)
5.What is your current goal regarding habits and where would you like to be a year from now?(Required.)
6.If we were to catch up 12 months from now, what achievement would you be most proud of in the progress toward your goal?(Required.)
7.Finally, would you like to be notified if I create free materials/trainings that matches what you need to help you create the life you want one habit at a time?

(you can skip it if you don't want to leave your name/e-mail but just submit your answers by clicking 'Submit' below).
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered