The NWT Legislative Assembly’s Standing Committee on Social Development (Committee) is made of regular MLAs. The Committee is required to do a review of Child and Family Services Act every five years. The review includes hearing directly from community members in the NWT on their perspectives, thoughts and/or experiences. Community members are free to share anything they would like or to use the questions below to guide their feedback. This review is focused on supports that are currently available to families and children and what supports are needed for families to remain together.


All of the feedback provided by community members will help Committee make informed recommendations to the GNWT on how to better serve children, youth and families. Recommendations will be made in a report. The GNWT will review recommendations, but is not legally required to implement them.

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* 1. What community supports, services or programs are available in your community for families and children?

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* 2. What are the strengths in your community that support family bonds and the well-being of children?

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* 3. What do families need to stay together as a family?

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* 4. Where is a safe place in your community for families and children to get help?

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* 5. What does the government need to do a better job of doing to support families and children?