Welcome! This survey is a yearly evaluation of the 2022-2026 Arizona HIV/STI/Hep C Integrated Plan. If you helped write that plan, attended an engagement session, or are part of a planning body, this survey is for you! Regardless of whether you helped to write the plan, you may still complete this evaluation, as the Integrated Plan is for all Arizonans who work in or are affected by HIV, STIs, and hepatitis C.

This survey is a “temperature check” of how things are going for HIV, STIs, and hepatitis C in Arizona. We will ask you to rank each plan objective by how you think it has progressed in the past year (approx 12 months). This survey does not require you to provide your name or email address. We want to hear your genuine feedback!

The survey approach uses a stoplight ranking method: RED is an objective making no progress or getting worse, YELLOW is an objective making limited progress, and GREEN is an objective making good progress or getting better! If you aren't familiar with the objective, feel free to select "N/A"

This survey will take approximately 7-10 minutes to complete.

Our next steps! The results of this survey will be compiled and used to rank our objectives. This will inform which objectives we will select to improve or edit this Fall. Want to join those conversations? We will hold community engagement sessions for improvements and edits in Nov/Dec 2024.

All results will be posted on HIVAZ.org. We will also post information on how to join the Nov/Dec 2024 community engagement sessions on this webpage. Please email HIVIntegratedPlan@azdhs.gov for questions, ideas, or any issues completing this survey.