Question Title

* 1. Thank you for participating in this Survey of Learning. Your completion of the survey will provide verification of your receipt of the DSD protocol as well as valuable feedback for future education offerings. Please feel free to contact the Education and QA Coordinator at any time with additional suggestions and feedback. ***Please give your name and department affiliation:

Question Title

* 2. True or false: Double Sequential Defibrillation is the simultaneous delivery of energy from two different defibrillators?

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* 3. Which of the following patients is eligible for double sequential defibrillation:

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* 4. True or false: A life pack 15 and a Phillips AED are compatible for performing double sequential defibrillation?

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* 5. After initiating the DSD protocol, how many DSD shocks may you administer before returning to single defibrillation?

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* 6. After completing a cardiac arrest call in which you utilized DSD, you must do all of the following EXCEPT

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* 7. Both devices should be charged _________ seconds in advance of anticipated break in CPR.

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* 8. Which of the following describes Refractory VF?

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* 9. Which of the following describes Recurrent VF?

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* 10. Please rate this educational process for future education planning:

  Fail Poor Neutral Good Excellent
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