1. Ascent Group, Inc. Reward & Recognition Survey

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Do your reward and recognition programs improve employee or supervisory morale, reduce turnover, increase sales, or improve quality? Have you put a really good reward or recognition program in place recently? What rewards or recognitions have worked best to engage employees and improve performance? Join our benchmarking research.

The Ascent Group is benchmarking Reward and Recognition Programs to uncover the most effective techniques and strategies for improving employee retention, motivation, and performance. See how your Reward and Recognition programs compare to our database of best practices and best performers. If your Reward or Recognition programs are successful, please complete the survey.

If you have any questions, please contact Christine Kozlosky at ckk@ascentgroup.com

For more information about our company, please visit www.ascentgroup.com.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

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* 2. Briefly describe your Organization - how employees interact with customers, businesses, typical tasks or services performed or transactions handled, average number of employees per team or supervisor...

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* 3. Are employees represented by a bargaining unit?