Share your ideas for improvements to Todd Grove Reserve, Somerville.

Please complete this short survey about the design of the Todd Grove Reserve, Somerville community park and place.

Mornington Peninsula Shire, with community consultation, is committed to creating inclusive places for all of the community; kids, teenagers, parents and grand parents. To provide the community with places in their local neighbourhood for people to hang out, meet friends and family and make new friends and have fun, within walking and biking distance from home. We invite you to participate in this survey and encourage you to provide your thoughts to assist with the decision-making for this exciting local placemaking project, to refresh and enhance your local park.

Question Title

* 1. Do you live in the area or are you on holidays?

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* 2. Do you have friends and/or family in the area?

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* 3. What do you like most about Mornington Peninsula? (Ranking an item '1' indicates it is what you like the most, with '6' being the least)

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* 4. What do you like most about your neighbourhood?

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* 5. On average, how often do you use the park in good weather?

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* 6. What do you like to do at the park?

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* 7. Whats areas of the park do you use the most?

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* 8. What would you like to do in the park?

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* 9. What entrance do you use the most?

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* 10. How do you usually get to the park?

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* 11. How would you like to get to the park?

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* 12. What days do you usually go to the park?

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* 13. What time of the day do you go to the park?

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* 14. What do you like the most about the park?

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* 15. What would make the park more enjoyable for you?

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* 16. How long do you usually stay?

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* 17. Do you bring your children or grand children to the park?

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* 18. Do you bring your dog to the park?

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* 19. Please rate the following current facilities in the park

  good average poor not sure
general up-keep and cleanliness
playground and equipment
seating and rest stops
landscaping, trees and garden beds
acccess to the park from surrounding area
bike racks and facilities
feeling of safety

Question Title

* 20. We need some information about you to get a better idea of who is using the park.

  0-4 5-10 11-15 16-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 70+
What is your age?

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* 21. What is your gender?

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* 22. Would you like to hear more from the Shire on this project in the future?

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* 23. Would you like to be involved in this project as it develops

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* 24. Name

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* 25. Email