The Ideal ECG Course


thanks for helping us out. Many of our students asked us to produce an ECG course for them. In order to produce the best online course EVER, we need YOUR help. If you are like many of our readers, you have already studied some "ECGology". Maybe you are even an expert. So you know best what has worked for you and what hasn't. And if you are willing to share that - we'd LOVE to learn from you.

thanks a million!

the 123sonography team

PS: If you have already filled out this survey, your answers are currently being analyzed by our staff. Please do not fill it out twice. Thanks!

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* 1. What frustrates you the most when learning the ECG? Or what frustrated you in the past?

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* 2. In your opinion, what makes learning the ECG difficult?

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* 3. If you think about your favorite ECG book or course - what exactly is/was so good about it? What teaching methodologies did it use? What would you also look for in other ECG learning resources?

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* 4. Could you name your most favorite ECG book?

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* 5. Could you name the best ECG teacher(s) you ever had? What institution are they working at?

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* 6. With respect to learning the ECG, what have you tried so far that hasn't worked? And why hasn't it work?

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* 7. Is there anything that annoys you about ECG books? And if yes, what is it?

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* 8. Is there anything that annoys you about ECG courses? And if yes, what is it?

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* 9. If you could wish for an ideal ECG course, what would it look like? What would be its attributes and features?

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* 10. Which answers apply to you?

You want/have to learn the ECG because...

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* 11. Any other comments? (optional)

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* 12. Your name (optional)

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* 13. Your e-mail (optional)