Livability and Sense of Place

Do you support these strategies to improve livability and sense of place in Sacramento? 
Big & Bold Strategy 1: Permit a greater array of housing types in existing single-unit neighborhoods.
City zoning could be changed so that only the overall form, visual appearance, and bulk of housing is regulated rather than a focus on number of units (click here to learn more about how this could be regulated through Floor Area Ratio limits). This strategy would permit a wider variety of housing types in all neighborhoods, while retaining the current development standards, creating more inclusive housing opportunities.

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* 1. Would you support this strategy?

Big & Bold Strategy 2: Retain and promote development of neighborhood-oriented commercial centers or “main streets” throughout Sacramento.
Local "main streets" distributed throughout Sacramento would help residents access daily errands without getting into a car.  To achieve this, the City would identify existing neighborhood centers to protect and enhance, and identify areas that lack neighborhood centers, encouraging retention and development of main streets.

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* 2. Would you support this strategy?

Big & Bold Strategy 3: Develop neighborhood retail and local business conservation strategies.
The City could implement specific land use designations that require retail uses and implement other anti-displacement strategies to protect existing shops and services from being converted to other uses and to maintain existing walkable places.

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* 3. Would you support this strategy?

Big & Bold Strategy 4: Ensure that new development is walkable, and connected to adjacent urban fabric, transit, bike networks, and trails and open spaces.
This strategy would include site planning, such as block size and connectivity requirements, that creates direct and safe pedestrian and bike connections through neighborhoods and to nearby destinations.

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* 4. Would you support this strategy?

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* 5. Here are some other strategies that could improve livability and sense of place in Sacramento. Which of these strategies would you support?

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* 6. Do you have any other comments about this topic?

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* 8. If you were referred to this workshop by a student enrolled in our rewards program, please enter their Referral Code here:

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50% of survey complete.