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We want to know how your experience has been so far, what makes you enjoy Conestoga, and most importantly, how we can make your experience better.

Question Title

* 1. Have you heard of Conestoga Students Inc? 

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* 2. How would you rate your student experience thus far?

Question Title

* 3. How valuable are each of the following in contributing to a positive student experience for you?

  Not Valuable at all Somewhat Valuable Valuable Very Valuable
Part-time jobs
Social events
Cultural events
Networking events
Academic support services
Career readiness services
Leadership development
Volunteer opportunities
Health and Wellness services
Health and Dental Plan
Immigration support services
Varsity sports
School pride

Question Title

* 4. How likely are you to utilize the following services? (1= Very Unlikely; 5= Very Likely)

  Very Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Neither Likely Nor Unlikely Somewhat Likely Very Likely
Part-time Jobs
Social Events
Cultural Events
Networking Events
Academic Support Services
Career Readiness Services
Leadership Development
Volunteer Opportunities
Health and Wellness Services
Health and Dental Plan
Immigration Support Services

Question Title

* 5. What are your hobbies/interests outside of your academics?

Question Title

* 6. How many events have you attended on campus so far this semester?

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* 7. If you have not attended an event on campus, why?

Question Title

* 8. How frequently would you like to see your Student Association on campus in the following ways:

  Once per month Twice per month Once per week Twice per week More than twice per week No desired frequency
Leadership Development opportunities
(Provides meaningful volunteer opportunities on campus and in the community (ie. Global Service Leadership trip, Advisory councils, Campus Rep, Student Rep)
Career Readiness Programming
(Provides a range of career related services and programming that provide professional and career skill development to support career readiness.)
Health & Wellness programming
(Provides access to health professionals, support services and health and wellness programming).
Academic Support programming
(Provides programming, workshops, peer to peer support services, and resources to improve academic success. (ie. Service Hubs, Exam/Stress relief programming)
(ie. Feedback collection)
Social Events
Provide an opportunity for students to meet other students in a fun, positive, social environment while fostering college pride and a sense of community (ie. Trivia, BBQ’s, pub nights, concert, etc)

Question Title

* 9. What contributing factors determine why you WOULD attend something on campus?

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* 10. What events would you like to see offered either on or off campus?

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* 11. What types of support services would you like to be able to access on campus?

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* 12. What are you expecting to get out of your student experience at Conestoga?

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* 13. What would help to improve your student experience?

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* 14. What are some things you would like to see happen more frequently on your campus?

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* 15. What do you think your Student Association’s (CSI) role should be on campus?

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* 16. When do you have free time (no class) on campus during the week?

  8:00-9:00am 9:00-10:00am 10:00-11:00am 11:00-12:00pm 12:00-1:00pm 1:00-2:00pm 2:00-3:00pm 3:00-4:00pm 4:00-5:00pm

Question Title

* 17. What time do your classes end each day of the week?

  Before 11am At 11am At 12pm At 1pm At 2pm At 3pm At 4pm At 5pm At 6pm At 7pm At 8pm At 9pm At 10pm I don't have class

Question Title

* 18. What Conestoga Campus do you attend?

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* 19. What academic School are you in?

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* 20. What is your gender?

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* 21. What is your age?

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* 22. Are you a domestic or international student?

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* 23. What is your citizenship? (ie. Canadian, American, Indian, etc)

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* 24. Do you have a family and/or dependents?

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