Leadership Evanston

Thank you for your interest in applying to the 2024 - 2025 cohort of Leadership Evanston. This application will close on Friday, August 9th at 11:59 pm.

This year the program will begin Saturday, September 14, 2024.
Applicants are asked to consider these requirements before submitting an application.

You should apply to Leadership Evanston if you:

  • Love Evanston!
  • Currently live and/or work in Evanston.
  • Want to learn more about the community.
  • Are committed to having a positive, lasting impact on our community.
  • Are eager to learn from and with a diverse group of community leaders.
  • Have a sincere interest and commitment to the experience.
  • Can attend all class sessions. (We ask that participants miss no more than two sessions.)
  • Are willing to spend four to six hours per month outside of class reading articles, watching videos, and working on a team project.
The program cost is $1,500.
Financial assistance/scholarships are available. Financial barrier will not exclude anyone accepted to the program.

Sessions for 2024-2025 Leadership Evanston will take place as follows:

Session I: ZOOM 3:00 - 5:00 PM
Session II: In-person 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM (1:00 PM Lunch included, opt out if necessary.)

September 9/14 SATURDAY MORNING RETREAT: Only Required Weekend Date (8:30 am - 2 pm)
September 9/26 Optional Meet & Greet (5:30 - 7:30 pm)
October 10/17 and 10/31
November Team Check in 11/7 (as scheduled) and 11/21
December 12/12 and 12/19
January 1/9 and 1/23
February 2/13 and 2/27
March 3/6 and 3/20
April 4/10 and 4/24
May 5/8 and 5/22
June 6/12 Graduation

More information is available on our website: https://evanstonforever.org/programs/workshops-overview/

Question Title

* 1. Your Information - Tell us a bit about yourself.

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* 2. Emergency Contact

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* 3. Your Pronouns

Because we strive to ensure that the Leadership Evanston class reflects Evanston’s diversity, we ask you to specify your age, gender, race and/or ethnic identity. Your responses do not impact your acceptance to the program.

Question Title

* 4. Race/Ethnicity (self-identified)

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* 6. Ability (Optional) How do you publicly self-identify? 

Program Requirements
Answer the following questions to make sure you meet the requirements to participate in Leadership Evanston.

Question Title

* 7. Do you live or work in Evanston?

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* 8. How long have you lived or worked in Evanston? If you live and work in Evanston, answer for the longer amount of time.

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* 9. Can you attend all Leadership Evanston sessions? Check the session dates in our applicant guide.

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* 10. Do you plan to be living or working in Evanston in five years?

Tuition Cost
The tuition cost for Leadership Evanston is $1,500.
We will never turn away an applicant because they cannot pay tuition cost.

Question Title

* 11. How will you cover the $1,500 tuition?

Your WHY
Answer the following questions to tell us why you want to participate in Leadership Evanston.

Question Title

* 12. Name the volunteer or civic organizations in which you have been involved in Evanston or elsewhere, including city, educational, neighborhood, faith-based, business, union, and/or professional organizations. Identify positions you have held and approximate dates.

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* 13. Describe your most significant accomplishments in any of these affiliations.

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* 14. Describe your community engagement and its importance to you.

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* 15. Describe your current career, work, or most recent responsibilities.

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* 16. What are your personal qualities that you would bring to the cohort?

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* 17. What skills would you like to further develop to become an effective and engaged community leader?

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* 19. In your opinion, what are the three most important issues facing Evanston in 2024 - 2025?

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* 20. What do you hope to gain from your Leadership Evanston experience? After you complete this program, how do you envision you will use your leadership skills and experience in the community?

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* 21. How did you get interested in participating in Leadership Evanston?

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* 22. Please add any comments you feel are important for us to know about you and your interest in the 2024 - 2025 Leadership Year.

Thank you for applying. Leadership Evanston appreciates your commitment to our community.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns about Leadership Evanston or the application process.

Lauren Davis
Program Officer
Evanston Community Foundation