Survey Introduction

14% of survey complete.

Thank you for participating in our 2022 Benchmarking Survey!

The Diversity & Flexibility Alliance (the “Alliance”) closely examines and tracks workplace flexibility, hybrid work and parental leave at the Alliance’s member firms and other major firms in the United States through its 2022 Benchmarking Survey. This survey will examine the types of flexibility, hybrid and leave policies that law firms have implemented for attorneys and business services professionals; promotion to leadership positions held by those who work on flexible/hybrid schedules; and the types of support available for those who work flexibly/hybrid.

The survey responses will be analyzed and aggregated (i.e. any identifying information will be kept confidential), and a full report will be published for Alliance members and survey participants.

If you have any questions, please contact Sejal Shah, Manager, Leadership Initiatives at

  • Unless otherwise noted, all data shall reflect attorneys in U.S. offices only.
  • The survey is distributed to Alliance member firms and other major law firms who are not members of the Alliance.
  • Participant responses will be reported in the aggregate. 
  • Responses will be kept strictly confidential, unless explicit permission is granted. Access to raw data will be restricted to Alliance affiliates directly involved with data analysis. 
  • The survey should be completed by individual(s) responsible for overseeing the firm’s workplace flexibility and parental leave initiatives. Each firm should submit only one completed survey online.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Each firm is responsible for maintaining a separate copy of the firm's responses for its records. A PDF or Word version of the survey can be obtained for this purpose, but all participating firms must submit their final survey responses using the online survey.
  • Survey responses can be edited at any time prior to final submission if the same computer and web browser are being used (the survey platform stores a cookie in the respondent's browser that remembers the survey responses). Please note that the survey platform saves responses on a page only after "Next" is selected; if the browser is closed before a page is completed, any data entered will be lost.
  • Do not hit "Submit" or "Done" until all responses are complete and final, as you may not be able to re-enter the survey once the survey has been submitted. If you would like a PDF copy of your draft responses for final proofing before submission, please contact the Alliance's Manager of Leadership Initiatives, Sejal Shah, at
  • Need Help or Want a Copy of Your Final Submission? Please contact the Alliance’s Manager of Leadership Initiatives, Sejal Shah, at
Thank you for participating!