Feedback / Idea / Suggestion / Testimonial for NFAA The benefits we offer our members come from your questions, requests and ideas! We welcome your feedback or suggestions and appreciate you taking the time to contribute. Question Title * 1. Are you a member of NFAA? Yes - I'm an Authority member Yes - I'm a Basic member No, I'm not a member yet Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What feedback, idea or suggestion do you have for us? Note that this can also be used to submit a testimonial based on your experience as a member. Question Title * 3. What do you like most about NFAA? Question Title * 4. What could we do to improve NFAA and make it more valuable for you? Question Title * 5. Contact Information (optional) Name Email Address Phone Number Thanks again for taking the time to send us your feedback! We great appreciate you! Submit