The American Horticultural Society is delighted that your public garden wishes to join over 360 other public gardens as part of the AHS Reciprocal Garden Network! The application below asks for information about your garden's resources, statistics, and activities, as well as asks you to confirm the benefits you will offer to network visitors. Please complete the entire application. After you have submitted it, you will hear from AHS staff as to your application's status.

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* 1. Please list your Garden Name and Contact Information for the network Online Directory.

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* 2. Please share the contact information for your garden's President/CEO/Executive Director. This information will be kept confidential.

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* 3. Please identify your organization type and features. Check all that apply.

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* 4. Name of membership organization, if other than name of the garden, as listed on the membership card

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* 5. How many years has your garden been open to the public?

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* 6. How many visitors does your garden receive annually?

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* 7. What is your garden's membership size?

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* 8. What is your garden's budget size?

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* 9. What is your garden's staff size?

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* 10. Does your garden regularly offer educational programs? If so, please share examples.

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* 11. Does your garden usually charge visitors for admission and parking?

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* 12. If YES to question 11: If your garden usually charges visitors for admission and parking, these must be offered free as a benefit to network visitors. When a network visitor presents a membership card, your garden must honor the same number of people for free admission as your equivalent membership card would for your own members. Please check the box to acknowledge.

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* 13. If NO to question 11: If your garden does not usually charge visitors for admission and parking, you must offer your educational programs, special events, and audio tours/guides for free or at a discounted rate as a benefit to network visitors. When a network visitor presents a membership card, your garden must honor the same number of people for these free or discounted benefits as your equivalent membership card would for your own members. Please check the box to acknowledge.

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* 14. In addition to the required benefits above, would you also like to offer additional benefits to network visitors? Please check all that apply.

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* 15. Some gardens opt to enforce the Local Visitor Exception Policy: that only network visitors who reside more than 90 miles away from the garden will be granted network benefits. Would you like to enforce the Local Visitor Exception?

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* 16. If your application is accepted, would you like to add a photo and/or a description to your webpage directory listing for an additional fee?

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* 17. Gardens in the American Horticultural Society's Reciprocal Garden Network agree to use the full name whenever the network is cited in written form (for example, on the garden's website, in its membership benefit materials, with the AHS-provided logo decal at the garden's entrance, etc.). 

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* 18. Please share the information for your staff's main point of contact for the network. This will be used only for communications with AHS staff.

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* 19. How did you hear about the AHS Reciprocal Garden Network?