In order to help protect the availability and quality of our drinking water resources, the New York Rural Water Association (a private, non-profit organization) is working with the Towns of Berkshire and Richford on source water protection planning. New York Rural Water Association is a federally-funded organization that provides free technical assistance to rural and small communities across New York.  An initial step in the development of source water protection plan(s) here is to collect information on groundwater resources and the nature of water supply issues in northern Tioga County. 

Your help in our effort to protect the drinking water of Berkshire and Richford would be greatly appreciated. Our hope is that you can spend a few minutes and complete the following water well survey. Responses to this survey will be confidentially sent to the New York Rural Water Association.  Thank you very much for your assistance!

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1. Please enter your street address and town (e.g. 100 Somewhere Road, Berkshire or Richford).  This information is necessary in order to inventory groundwater resources.  Data provided regarding your drinking water supply's quality or quantity will be kept strictly confidential by the New York Rural Water Association and will not be specifically identified in the resulting plan(s).

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2. What is the source of water supply at your residence, business, and/or farm?

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3. When was your well or spring installed?

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4. Please enter the information below if you have a copy of your well report or can remember it.

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5. Have you ever had the water from your well tested?