This Interview Timeline Agreement takes effect on date of last signature between the Society of Skeletal Radiology (SSR), a nonprofit corporation with its principal place of business at 1061 East Main Street, Suite 300, East Dundee, IL 60018, and the institution identified in Item #1 below.
*Please note that every item requires a response. You may enter "N/A" for text fields that are not needed.

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* 1. Name and Mailing Address of MSK Fellowship Training Program

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* 2. Purpose. SSR has evaluated how to improve the current application and selection process for residents who apply to MSK radiology fellowship programs. Based on its review, the SSR is establishing an MSK Radiology Fellowship Match through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) in 2022. However, there are several programs that are ineligible for the MSK Match according to the criteria established by the NRMP. To create a fair, uniform and transparent process, the SSR is asking Match-ineligible programs to abide by an Interview Timeline Agreement (ITA) that is identical to that which programs participating in the MSK Match have agreed to. This ITA establishes the parties’ responsibilities regarding this initiative.

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* 3. Interview & Offers Commitment. Participating programs may interview candidates and offer fellowship positions for the 2023-24 appointment year starting on November 1, 2021 and extending through the NRMP Rank Order List Certification Deadline. Between the NRMP Rank Order List Certification Deadline and Match Day, applicants can not apply for, discuss, interview for, or accept any position that would run concurrently with positions offered in the Match. Similarly, all programs must refrain from discussing, interviewing for, or offering positions during that time period. This prevents Match violations and preserves the integrity of the fellowship selection process.

After Match Day, any program that is unfilled may resume interviewing candidates, but can only interview and offer fellowship positions to candidates who are not already assigned a radiology fellowship spot through the NRMP Match for the same appointment year.

Though not required, the SSR strongly recommends that programs not accept fellowship applications before August 1, 2021.

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* 4. Term and Termination. Programs must enter into this ITA by August 2, 2021. This agreement shall remain in full force and effect through June 30, 2022. At any time, the parties may extend and/or modify the agreement beyond the initial term. Alternatively, either party may terminate the agreement on thirty (30) days’ written notice provided by any reasonable business means.

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* 5. Entirety. This ITA constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties. Any additions or amendments to this agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.

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* 6. Understanding. All parties fully understand their legal rights, responsibilities and obligations under this Interview Timeline Agreement and accept them as legally binding.

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* 7. MSK Fellowship Program Director

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* 8. MSK Fellowship Program Coordinator

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* 9. Is the MSK Fellowship Program accredited by ACGME?

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* 10. Is the MSK Fellowship Program affiliated with an ACGME-accredited residency program in the core discipline (diagnostic radiology)?

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* 11. Number of fellows entering the program in the 2023-24 appointment year:

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* 12. This document serves as an electronic signature for Stephanie Taylor, Executive Director of the SSR and NRMP MSK Match Liaison, on July 16, 2021 on behalf of the Society of Skeletal Radiology. In accordance with this agreement, you warrant the truthfulness of the information provided in this document.

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* 13. I understand that checking this box constitutes a legal signature confirming that I acknowledge and agree to the above Terms of Acceptance.