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Emotional intelligence at work survey

Rate your  abilities in the following  areas
Scoring from:
1   - never able to do these things
2  - rarely able to do these things
3  - only in specific circumstances
4  - more often than not, but room for improvement
5  - consistent abilities in most circumstances
6  - highly consistent abilities in most circumstances
7  - highly consistent abilities in all circumstances

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* 1. You are able to understand your own emotions and their effects on your performance and your team's performance.

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* 2. You have the ability to keep disruptive emotions and impulses in check and maintain  effectiveness under stressful or hostile conditions.

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* 3. You are good at learning from your own emotions. You understand well what they are telling you about your strengths, weaknesses, personality, values, working style and emotional triggers.

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* 4. You maintain strong self-care - you know the things which replenish your energy levels and use these tools every day.

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* 5. You are self-compassionate and not self-critical - when you face setbacks you learn from them without overly ruminating on them.

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* 6. You are generally solutions focused - looking for ways to do things better, set challenging goals and take calculated risks.

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* 7. You generally have the ability to see the positive in people, situations and events and have persistence in pursuing goals despite obstacles and setbacks.

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* 8. You stay calm and centred when things crop up - flexibility in handling change, juggling multiple demands and adapting your ideas or approaches.

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* 9. You are an empathetic person - you have the ability to sense others’ feelings and perspectives, taking an active interest in their concerns and picking up cues to what is being felt and thought.

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* 10. You have a good ability to read the team's emotional currents and power relationships, identifying influencers, networks and dynamics.

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* 11. You are a good listener - you listen without judgment and seek to learn more rather than simply responding.

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* 12. You  say and do things which influence other people constructively - you have the ability to have a positive impact on others, persuading or convincing others in order to gain their support.

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* 13. You coach and mentor people well and have the ability to foster the long-term learning or development of others by giving feedback and support.

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* 14. You are good at calming situations down and have  the ability to help others through emotional or tense situations, tactfully bringing disagreements into the open and finding solutions all can endorse.

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* 15. You are positive circuit breaker when the mood is low - you have  the ability to inspire and guide individuals and groups to get the job done, and to bring out the best in others.

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* 16. You are a good colleague - you  work well with others towards a shared goal; participating actively, sharing responsibility and rewards and contributing to the capability of the team.

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* 17. Having considered the above questions, which area of leadership coaching would be most useful to you? Rank the following from most to least important by moving the cursors

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* 18. Reflecting on the above questions, what do you want to focus on most in 2024?

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* 19. Reflecting on the above questions, what do you think your colleagues should focus on most in 2024?