Supplier Diversity Attestation

Here at All of Us Together Co. LLC, we believe in economic inclusion. This means deeply involving, supporting, promoting and purchasing from underrepresented entrepreneurs and businesses in the state or regional economy and recognizing the enormous purchasing power of such groups. Our public supplier diversity features introduce diverse business owners and entrepreneurs to corporations and organizations seeking goods and services. Complete this Diverse Supplier Attestation to be featured.
1.Company Name
2.Submitter's Name
3.Submitter's Title
4.Company email
5.Company Address
6.Company Phone
7.Company Industry
8.Company Services/ Offerings
9.Company Certifications
10.Company Logo Attached?
11.Company Logo Description (Used for alternative text).
12.Where do you want to be featured? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.
13.Please select any federal business certifications you have
14.I am a trusted representative of the company or organization desiring a feature as a diverse supplier or diverse professional and have read this release before signing below. I fully understand the contents, meaning and impact of this authorization.
15.I hereby attest that I own or operate a small business that is either owned and or operated by a diverse employee who identifies as one, some or all of the small business minority status characteristics such as: a person of color, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, a person with an ability related need, a woman or femme, a veteran of the United States Armed Forces or Other (Fill In).
16.By entering my name below, I realize that I am offering up a signature and agreeing on behalf of the client company/organization to the guidelines outlined in this agreement.