The Don Rennie Memorial Award recognizes outstanding team achievement in developing and executing a strategic approach to government communications on a specific issue. This award is open to government communications professionals in federal, provincial ormunicipal jurisdictions.

Entries must reflect Don Rennie’s vision of excellence in strategic communications and be relevant to the complexities of a government environment. Entries should demonstrate a good balance of the organization’s mission, defining what it is; what it wants to be; what it wants to do; and what external factors influence it.

The Award is presented annually in memory of Don Rennie. Winners receive a scroll and cash award.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Member #

Question Title

* 3. Title

Question Title

* 4. Company

Question Title

* 5. Full Address

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* 6. Phone

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* 7. Fax

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* 8. Email

Question Title

* 9. Additional Documents:

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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The awards program is open to teams of government communications professionals in federal, provincial or municipal jurisdictions. At least one member on the team must be a CPRS member in good standing.
Entry Requirements

The Strategy (20 points)

A narrative outline of a few pages at most, describing what communications approach is being suggested to support the mission of an organization, its objectives, and, depending on the issue(s) to be addressed, how the strategy relates to its internal as well as its external environment.

The Communications Plan (40 points)

This is a document which outlines what activities will be carried out to support the communications strategy. Depending on the issue(s) to be addressed, the plan could be either inward or outward-looking, with a concurrent focus on internal as well as external communications. The plan should demonstrate an understanding of the communications requirements of an organization’s clients/customers and creativity in developing communications activities.

The Evaluation (20 points)

The success of the communications strategy as well as the communications plan needs to be demonstrated through some sort of evaluation which measures the impact on clients/customers of the communications activities, and whether the desired communications objectives were achieved.

Creativity (20 points)

A special characteristic of the Don Rennie Memorial Award is the degree of creativity with which the communications strategy was carried out. Creativity should include:
  • Original communications activities
  • Different means of delivering the message
  • Non-traditional communications channels
  • Creative resourcing
  • The use of humour

Entries must be received on or before May 23, 2022 at 11.59 pm ET to be considered valid.