Parishioner Feedback Survey

SPX Parishioner Feedback (Anonymous)

1.Which Mass do you usually attend?
2.What age group are you in?
3.Do you feel welcomed by the community at Mass?
4.What type of music helps you to sing at Mass: Latin, Traditional, or Contemporary? Select all that apply.
5.What are your three favorite hymns or songs to sing at Mass?
6.Which of the following elements support your participation in worship at Sunday Mass? (Select as many as possible)
7.Are you involved in any of the following SUNDAY ministries? If you are not, but are interested in getting involved, please include your name and contact info.
8.How relevant are the sermons to your daily life?
9.If you are not already, would you like to become involved in any of the following parish ministries?
10.How satisfied are you with parish communication (email, app, website, bulletin, Mass announcements)?
11.How satisfied are you with the Sunday Mass? What would improve your experience?
12.Do you have any other comments or suggestions?