Town of Parsonsfield: TextMyGov text messaging survey

1.Do you have a cell phone with text messaging?
2.Would you use a text messaging system to get automated information from the Town of Parsonsfield?

Example: You’re going to work early in the morning and need to register your car but can’t remember the hours of the Town office. You can send a text message to Parsonsfield's TextMyGov dedicated number and ask the Town Office hours for the day. You will automatically receive a response that provides the Town Office hours.

Example: There was a storm last night and for some reason your road hasn’t been plowed and can’t remember who your contractor is that plows your road. You text Parsonsfield's TextMyGov dedicated number and ask who your plow contactor is. You will automatically get a response with the plow contractor map and contractor phone numbers.
3.Would you use a text messaging system to report issues and send photos of an issue to the Town. Issues could be but not limited to road maintenance, plowing, animal control, code enforcement, etc?
Examples: you see a loose dog and want to notify and send a picture to the ACO and the Town office. There is a big pothole, and you want to notify and send a picture to the Road Commissioner and Town office.
4.Would you sign up to receive notifications from the Town office on town meetings, election information, events at the Town office, emergency closures, trash pickup changes, etc.
5.Would you use this text messaging system to report road concerns to the Road Commissioner and include a photo?

Example: Big rain storm, lots of flooding and washouts. You have a big washout on your road. You send a text to the Town’s TextMyGov dedicated number at 6AM before you go to work. It automatically responds with a series of simple questions to collect your name and address and at the end, you can send a picture of the damage. This text information goes directly to the Road Commissioner as a text message and/or email and generates an email to the Town office, including all the information provided and a picture.
6.If there was an emergency on the road you live on, or if there was a major road construction that would affect your commute or access to your home, would you want to receive a text message notification?
Example: There is a culvert on your road that is getting replaced and will be shutdown for 2 hours, would you want to be notified by text message from the Town?
7.There is a huge snowstorm, the Town office will be closed due to the storm. Would you want to receive a text message on the closure?
8.The trash contractors truck broke down on pickup day. Trash pickup will be reschedule until that following Monday. Do you want a text message notification on trash pickup changes?
9.Would you support the Town spending $3,000 the 1st year, and then $2,000 each following year for the TextMyGov service? The 1st year cost could be paid by the Town's ARPA funds.
10.Any comments or questions on the TextMyGov system and how it can work for the Town of Parsonsfield?
11.Would you attend an informational meeting and learn more about the TextMyGov service and how it can work for Parsonsfield?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered