I’ve heard from a bunch of local residents who’d like to see the dangerous roundabout at Logan Road and O’Keefe Street (near Stones Corner) to be turned into a set of traffic lights with a scramble pedestrian crossing. I've also heard about the need for bike lanes and other active transport infrastructure at this intersection. I think these are great ideas and something I’ll be pushing for. 

But what I’m not clear about is what people would like to see me pushing for when it comes to the super close turn off Junction Street to Logan Road. Let me know in the survey below what you'd like to see happen with the dangerous Junction Street turn.

Question Title

* 1. What should happen at the Junction Street – O'Keefe Street intersection?

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Here's some super rough diagrams of the options

Here's some super rough diagrams of the options

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* 2. What suburb do you live in?

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* 3. Add your contact details to stay up-to-date with this issue (Optional)