2017-2018 School Year

Dear School Administrators,
Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below about your school's involvement with the Citizenship Counts program. We rely heavily on feedback from members of leadership--principals, assistant principals and department chairs--at the schools where our curriculum is utilized. We strive to maintain a comprehensive program that will enhance your students' knowledge and understanding about the tenets of citizenship and the naturalization process. All data will be kept confidential and not shared with any outside parties. Thank you in advance for your feedback.

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* 1. My staff and students had a meaningful experience using the Citizenship Counts program.

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* 2. Our school received positive feedback about the program from parents and/or the local community.

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* 3. We plan to integrate the Citizenship Counts program into our classrooms again in the future.

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* 4. Please share your observations about the students' academic and/or personal growth, as a result of the Citizenship Counts curriculum and/or holding a naturalization ceremony on campus, if applicable.

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* 5. What is the name of your school?

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* 6. What is your name and title?