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Certified Industrial Hemp  Planting Seed Purchase

Thank you for providing Legacy Hemp with the details to verify your ability to purchase federally legalized industrial hemp seed to plant in your fields.

In the completion of any part of this document, the user grants Legacy Hemp access to the information provided by us by the user through our collecting platform, including an invoice, in response to the user's submission.

No product will ship without payment receipt in agreement to invoice price. Payment can be wired, mailed by check, Paypal, or be made by credit card after one of our representatives made contact.

We will contact you as the next season approaches, most likely during the winter months, but our website contact line is always open.

Question Title

* 1. To allow for the purchase of certified industrial hemp seed, please upload a scanned copy of your State/Federal industrial hemp grower's license or otherwise lawful document.

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG file types only.
Choose File

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* 2. Billing Address. 

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* 3. Shipping Address:
I want my order to be shipped to this address.

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* 4. Which variety of certified seed did you want to purchase?
Check all that apply.

Certified Hemp Cultivars

Details of your order will be addressed by one of Legacy Hemp's representatives when we contact you with an invoice.

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* 5. I would prefer my certified hemp seed to be shipped via:

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* 6. I am seeking to purchase certified industrial hemp planting seed of the variety above. I want this many pounds:

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* 7. The number of acres you will be planting with this seed (optional).

0 5,000 10,000+
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 8. To help out our carriers, please check the boxes below which apply to your order's shipping destination. (You can check more than one.)

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* 9. Details about your order or shipping (optional).

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* 10. Please provide a signed copy of our non-propagation agreement.

(The non-propagation agreement can be found here. No seed will be shipped without it)

PDF, JPEG, JPG, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 11. If you were referred here by one of our representatives, please put their name here so we can give them credit.

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