
Hello Oregon Farm to School Education Grantees!

We hope your farm to school projects are off to a great start!  You are required to submit a progress report for activities that occurred between December 18, 2017 – June 30, 2018.  The deadline to submit your Progress Report is September 28, 2018.

You may find it helpful to refer to your original application as you respond to questions in the progress report.  You will be asked to provide a summary of your project, activities completed for the time period above, goals and objectives achieved and quantifiable outcomes.  The Progress Report should be completed by the current Project Director for the Oregon Farm to School Education Grant. Please use names of individuals and/or organizations instead of personal pronouns (for example use the name of the district or farm, rather than "they" or "we".

If you have any questions, or need to request a copy of your original application, please contact:

Rick Sherman, Farm to School Specialist, Oregon Department of Education, at

The Progress Report should take you approximately 1 hour to complete.

For more details about grant requirements and materials for this program please visit the ODE Farm to School Education Grant webpage by visiting family/childnutrition/F2S/Pages/OregonFarmtoSchoolandSchoolGardenProgram.aspx- and then clicking on “Oregon Farm to School Grant”.

Thank you!