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The Town of Cloverdale is applying for a stormwater grant in the amount of $600,000 to make improvements to the Town's stormwater system. Your input will assist us in our grant application.

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* 1. Does Stormwater pond in residents’ yards?

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* 2. How often does the water pond in the road?

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* 3. Have you ever seen stormwater on or crossing the road?

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* 4. Have you driven in your car through stormwater on the road?

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* 5. Have you ever had to take an alternate route due to the stormwater on the road?

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* 6. Have you ever been forced to stay home due to stormwater being too high to drive through?

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* 7. Do you support the Town's efforts in applying for a stormwater construction grant?

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* 8. Has stormwater issues damaged any of your property or is there anything else you think the funding agency should know?

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