Exit How'd Your Session Go? Question Title * 1. Your Name Question Title * 2. Rate your experience during your session (on a scale of 1-5) 5- 🤩 Absolutely Fantastic! 4- 😃 Pretty Good 3- 🙂 Okey Dokey 2- 😑 Not Great 1- 😧 Disaster City! Give More Details: Question Title * 3. What could I have done to better? Question Title * 4. What do you think of your pictures? (Choose all that apply.) I love all the pictures! I don’t like how I look in the pictures. I wish there were more traditional portraits. I wish there were more candid shots. I don’t love how the pictures were taken. I am unimpressed with the edits of pictures. Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What do you wish you knew before your session? Question Title * 6. Do you have a favorite photo and why? : Question Title * 7. Thanks for your time and feedback! Anything else you want me to know? Done