Profile of a Croton-Harmon Graduate

In Croton-Harmon we work hard to design student learning experiences that promote the skills in our district's Profile of a Graduate. We continuously work to improve upon our teaching, advising, and coaching so that all students grow in each of the skills we value most. Throughout the upcoming months, we will be revisiting the Profile of a Graduate and aligning our work with it to meet the needs of our students and staff in 2022 and beyond.  Please help us shape and strengthen what we do as a professional community by sharing your anonymous responses to the survey questions and prompts below. Your input is greatly appreciated. 
Profile of a Croton-Harmon Graduate
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
Problem solvers continuously ask
questions while acquiring knowledge,
developing a plan, evaluating a claim,
supporting an idea and considering
different perspectives.
Innovators generate ideas, experiment
and taking risks in an effort to devise
unique solutions or alternatives.
Successful people write clearly, speak
effectively and listen attentively. They know
how to build trust, solve conflicts and
share the credit when working with others.
Flexibility means exploring, experimenting
and having the courage to fail, knowing
that innovation is built on small successes
and frequent mistakes.
Our graduates must care about the
problems of others if they are to devise
solutions for them.
Initiative/Self Direction
Independent learners take the initiative
in determining their learning needs, set
goals and find resources for learning.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the degree to which you believe your child's/children's academic learning experiences this year promoted/emphasized critical thinking and problem solving skills. ( 1 star= low emphasis and 5 stars = deep emphasis)

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the degree to which you believe your child's/children's academic learning experiences at Croton-Harmon this year promoted/emphasized opportunities for creativity and innovation.

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the degree to which you believe your child's/children's academic learning experiences this year promoted/emphasized communication and collaboration skills.

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the degree to which your child's/children's  learning experiences this year promoted/emphasized the important skills of being flexible and adaptive.

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* 5. Please rate the degree to which your child's/children's learning experiences this year supported growth in their ability to be empathetic.

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* 6. Please rate the degree to which you your child's/children's learning experiences this year enabled them to take initiative and become self-directed.

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* 7. What shifts or changes might you want to see in the academic experiences our students are offered to more fully develop the attributes described in our Profile of a Croton-Harmon Graduate?

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* 8. What shifts or changes might you want to see in after-school experiences we offer our students in order for them to more fully develop the attributes described in the Profile of a Croton-Harmon Graduate?

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* 9. What school services, programs or supports would you like to see implemented  or strengthened in order for your child/children to succeed as a learner in 2023 and beyond?

Question Title

* 10. As we implement the district's strategic plan in the next 3-5 years, what types of communication, resources, and/or learning opportunities might be helpful to you?