Quick 9 Question Survey

Please take this quick 9 question survey to help us improve the Arizona Urological Society meetings. Thank you!

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* 1. How often do you attend the Arizona Urological Society meetings?

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* 2. Did you know that the annual dues includes meeting registration and that spouse/guest and children can attend free of charge?

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* 3. Are you planning to attend the AZUS 2015 Annual Meeting – Apr 10-12 at the Lowes Ventana in Tucson?

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* 4. If not attending, please let us know why. Choose all that apply.

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* 5. For the future, which meeting format would you prefer?

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* 6. Please rate the importance of the features that entice you to attend AZUS meetings:

  Most Important Important Less Important Unimportant N/A
High Quality Venue
CME credits
Networking / Recruiting
Industry Symposia
Golfing / Sports
Fun activities with families and/or spouses

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* 7. Please check at least five topics you would most like to see at future AZUS meetings?

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* 8. Are there any suggestions you may have regarding the Arizona Urologic Society that may best serve you?

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* 9. Would you encourage your colleagues to join the Arizona Urological Society?