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* 1. What grade is your child in?

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* 2. Does the misbehavior of others get in the way of your child's education/progress?

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* 3. Do you feel name calling or harassment is a problem at school?

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* 4. Bullying-aggressive, unwanted negative behavior, repeated and involves an imbalance of power or strength
Do you feel bullying is a problem at school?

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* 5. Do you feel your child can tell someone at school about a problem he/she is having at school?

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* 6. Do you feel your child is safe traveling to and from school?

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* 7. Does the teacher keep you informed of your child's progress and activities?

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* 8. Do you feel other staff members know and care about your child?

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* 9. Would you attend an evening meeting to learn more about the curriculum (Everyday Math, Reading, etc.) and/or ways to assist in your child's education (homework completion, study habits, ADD/ADHD)?

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* 10. Do you have access to the Internet in your home?

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* 11. Do you visit the Watervliet Public Schools' website?

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* 12. Do you know what is expected of your child at school (behaviorally and academically)?

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* 13. Does your child understand how to complete his/her homework when he/she gets home?

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* 14. Do you find North School is kept neat and clean?

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* 15. Please rate the quality of education you feel North School provides your child.

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* 16. Comment and/or Suggestion Area