2023 Congregational Consultation on Summer Services

Dear Ste-Genny's congregation,

In the summer of 2022, we joined the West Island and Riverside United Church Cluster (thereafter referred to as “the cluster”) summer worship rotation for the month of August, while Rev. Joëlle was on vacation. This Summer, we joined the cluster summer worship rotation for the whole summer. As Worship and Sacrament is reflecting on these last two summers of experimenting with cluster services, we would like to have your feedback to ensure your spiritual needs are adequately met next summer.  This questionnaire is being circulated by email, in hard copies in the sanctuary and through the telephone committee. Please, answer the questionnaire ONLY ONCE.

1.Have you participated in cluster services in the summer of 2023?
2.If you have participated in cluster services in the summer of 2023, what did you like and/or dislike about them?
3.For the summer of 2024 what would be your preference?
Note that decisions about the summer rotation does not affect our participation in other aspects of the cluster (like worshiping together on the 5th Sunday of the month or other special Sundays, participating in common projects, having meals and social events together, etc.)