Norco Flyfishing Workshop 2024 - Attendee Survey

Norco Flyfishing Workshop 2024 - Attendee Survey

1.What is the your skill level with flycasting(Required.)
2.What is the your skill level with fly tying(Required.)
3.Please share your spincasting experience(Required.)
4.Please indicate your preferences for a one day eight (8) hour workshop(Required.)
5.Please share what dates are available for you to attend the workshop(Required.)
6.If you have your own flyfishing rod/reel to use in class, please tell us more about your rod's length, reel, and line weight
7.If you have your own flytying bench, will you bring your bench to class or prfer to borrow the club's bench?
8.If you have specific flyfishing topics you want convered in class, what are they? If you are challenged with flytying or flycasting, please describe your learning objective or problem to be overcome.
9.Please share your email. Future planning details will be through email. If you plan to have a family member(s) or friend be part of the your participation, please share this survey with them to fill out.(Required.)
10.The class will have a nominal student fee to cover materials, food, and beverage.  e.g., $20 per person.  Please share  any other questions or comments.(Required.)