Fort Sumner Municipal Schools 2024 -2025 Budget Priorities Survey.
Below is the Fort Sumner Municipal Schools' Budget Priorities Survey for the fiscal year 2024 to 2025. Please complete the survey to give us an idea of how we can better serve our students and community. Please rank each topic from (not important to very important) with very important being areas that you would like to see the district focus on a greater amount of its resources. As stewards of public funds, the school district aims to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently and effectively to meet the diverse needs of students and staff. Through this survey, we invite the community to provide valuable insights, priorities, and concerns that will inform the development of the upcoming budget. Your feedback is instrumental in shaping the educational landscape and fostering a collaborative approach towards fiscal responsibility and student success. Together, we can work towards a budget that reflects the values and aspirations of our community while providing the best possible educational experience for all. All submissions are confidential.