The data we need and why / Consent

About this survey

As part of our ongoing work on lobbying for a government-backed insurance scheme for theatre, we need to collect more up to date information from you.
The purpose of this survey is to find out what shows will be mounted or remounted without the availability of insurance for cancellation / business interruption (including COVID-19) coverage in Stages Four & Five. It is also to find out what shows would mount or remount if such insurance was available.
We need to update our knowledge on your plans to mount or remount productions both under Stage Four with social distancing measures still in place (assumed to be 1m both between rows and laterally) and also once auditoriums are able to open fully in Stage Five.
Negotiations are currently underway seeking government help to provide insurance that would be designed to cover the costs incurred due to lockdowns (nationally or regionally) and incurred by closures due to cast / crew testing positive. We know that the insurance market itself will not be offering such cover for some time to come. We cannot be certain that the negotiations with government will achieve a positive outcome, therefore this survey is designed to establish the impact on production activity dependent upon a successful outcome.


For the purposes of making the answers to this survey consistent between respondents, please use the following assumptions (note: these are not SOLT/UK Theatre forecasts):
  • Due to lockdown, performances in England will not commence until at least 3 December 2020.
  • There is no effective vaccine available on a mass scale during the dates in question.
  • For the purposes of this survey, we assume we will be back in Stage Four by the beginning of January at the latest.
  • Testing - whilst we assume that testing will improve, and while people might have accessibility to a more affordable cast testing system by Stage Five, we are not considering it likely that testing and tracing will be at a capability that means that there isn’t a risk of further lockdown on a regional or national level. 
  • Socially distanced performances under Stage Four will take place up to 30 April 2021.
  • Stage Five without Social Distancing will commence 1 May 2021.
Regional /country tiers / levels:

Regional levels
We understand that the confidence and appetite of producers and venues to put on shows might be affected by the tier their venue is in (if these apply to your country currently). However, tiers themselves are not insurable again

Completing if you are a Scottish company

For those Scottish companies completing the survey, we appreciate that ‘Stages’ do not exist and that you are guided by ‘Levels’. For the purpose of this survey, when we ask about Stage 4, please consider this your Level 1. When we ask about Stage 5, please consider this your Level 0.

Completing if you are a Welsh or Northern Irish Company

We acknowledge that there is no direct comparison for Stages 4 and Stages 5 in Wales and Northern Ireland, but ask you to complete the survey based on a Stage 4 or 5 based scenario. As a reminder:

-Stage Four – Performances allowed indoors / outdoors (but with a limited distanced audience indoors)
-Stage Five – Performances allowed indoors / outdoors (with a fuller audience indoors)

There are three sections to this survey:

  • Organisation details & Consent
  • Productions - Stage Four
  • Productions - Stage Five

Please complete this survey by Wednesday 9 December.

Completing the survey:

  • Please note we ask about productions (shows) - not individual performances.
  • We suggest you download the survey questions and share with your colleagues before completing online.
  • Please only complete this survey with your final answers.
  • To avoid duplication, the survey should be completed by one person in your organisation only / the lead producer only should complete.
Use of data 
Data may be shared externally (with government and other relevant stakeholders). All data will be aggregated and anonymised - BUT we will share your organisation name as having completed the survey. If there are specific quotes or data we need to attribute to you we will make this clear in the question. UK Theatre's privacy policy & SOLT's privacy policy.

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to sharing your data in the above mentioned ways?