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Welcome to My Study

Thank you for participating in my study. Your feedback is important to our churches.

I am John Hampton, and part of the Church of God family.  I invite you to participate in the last stage of my study entitled "Enterprise Risk Management in Churches: How is it Used?" This study focuses on some of the best risk management practices implemented either formally or informally by leaders of Church of God churches to improve planning and performance.

What is risk management?

Risk management is a process used by church leaders or others involved in strategic planning to help them make decisions about which programs and/or initiatives to implement.  This process can be formal or informal.  The process suggests that before leadership adopts the most important goals, objectives, or initiatives relating to the organization's future, they attempt to identify and understand (evaluate) the uncertainty (i.e., risks and opportunities) embedded in the goals and objectives.  Leadership may consider how striving to reach these goals, objectives, or initiatives may impact all church departments (enterprise).
Upon recognizing these opportunities and risks, leadership may move forward to seize opportunities or establish specific actions to mitigate (e.g., reduce, transfer, eliminate or accept all) the risks.  After adopting goals, objectives, or initiatives, leadership or appointees may periodically monitor, review, revise (if necessary), measure, and report on performance.  As a result of these actions, the church achieves its goals and objectives, leading to sustained or improved operating performance.

 What kinds of questions will I be asked when completing the Questionnaire?

There are thirty-seven questions. Thirty-four (34) are easy multiple-choice questions to help you describe your church's use of some of the best risk management practices, formally or informally, when planning.  The questions will also describe how you use some of the best processes to track results.  The two questions will ask you to comment, and the last question requests your email. The questionnaire should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
What are the benefits to me?

You will benefit in these ways:
  • Gain insight on how you can better manage planned goals to completion. 
  • See what other Church of God leaders have done to assess and manage risks and opportunities tied to their goals.
  • Learn what the best practices church leaders used to measure their success.
  • It can help you find a path to fulfill your mission.

Why be in the Study?

Your input is needed.  It will help the research community know how churches use a business tool that can help with better performance. 
Next Steps:
  • Click "Next" or "Ok" to move through the sections.
  • Complete the Qualifying Questions.  All answers must be yes to participate in the study.
  • Complete the Informed Consent- Read through, clicking next to move through the pages.  At the end of the consent, you must select yes to move forward to the Questionnaire.
  • Complete the Risk Management Best Practices and Benefits Questionnaire- Answer all the questions.
Deadline:  Please complete this Questionnaire by November 30, 2022.  I look forward to receiving your feedback.
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