In November, NCHH, in collaboration with NEHA, NACCHO, and ASTHO, will offer a new funding opportunity for local governmental agencies housing their jurisdiction’s childhood lead prevention programs (i.e., local health departments, local environmental health agencies). The funding will support their agency to implement a Health in All Policies strategy as part of their lead prevention implementation program and activities. Examples of sponsored activities can include building or enhancing a lead coalition and setting up joint meetings with partners to increase screening and case management. Up to three entities will be awarded a max funding amount of $20,000 each, as well as technical assistance from these national partners along the way. To ensure you are up-to-date on the official release of this opportunity and subsequent dissemination of information, please complete the questions below.

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* 1. Contact Information:

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* 2. Would you like to be added to the funding announcement listserv?

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* 3. If desired, please enter any additional emails you would like added to the funding announcement listserv.

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* 4. Does your organization intend to apply for this opportunity?