Exit TBE Sisterhood Interest Survey Question Title * 1. What is your full name? Question Title * 2. What is your email address? Question Title * 3. Age? 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ Question Title * 4. When you envision a TBE Sisterhood, which of the following ideas interest you? Select all that apply. Weeknight gatherings Fitness related events (5ks, yoga in park) Breweries, wine bars, etc Restaurant meet ups Shabbat related (themed Shabbats, organizing oneg Shabbat foods, etc) Giving back (external: helping those in need locally and beyond) Giving back (internal: helping those in need in our congregation) Spreading holiday spirit (ex: making and delivering Purim gift bags for children) Larger scale events (rummage sale, holiday marketplace) Kid-friendly hangouts I don’t really care, I’ll hang out with any age range and I’m not picky about what we do, as long as we get a Sisterhood going Moms night out Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Would you like us to keep you in the loop via email? Yes No I’ll just read the Scrolls and check TBE social media for updates Done