Please Fill Out As Many Questions as are Pertinent to Your Family:

WELCOME to the Second Annual Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Family Favorites Poll!
Your responses to this poll will help create a major resource for thousands of new and veteran homeschool families looking for curriculum and resources that they can trust. Therefore, please answer this poll as completely as you can.
How do I do This??
On average, a family will homeschool 2 to 3 children that are close in age at the same time. Therefore, we have formatted the questions as checklist which means that you can choose as many options per category as are pertinent to your family. We understand that you could have multiple favorites per category because each of your children respond differently to various curriculum.
We have tried to get all of the options in alphabetical order and they are for the most part.  However, we have noticed that some are out of order. There is a glitch of some kind in the software. We apologize for that.
Additionally, please only answer the questions and sections that are pertinent to your family. If your children are all in preschool and elementary school, you should not feel pressure to answer middle school and high school questions.

We have a few new categories this year that we added. Health and Wellness is not specific to any particular grade level, and we found that more and more families are adding it into their school day.  Plus, we split Grammar and Writing on the Elementary and Middle School Level. Check it out!
To help you navigate the quiz better, here is a list of where the categories begin and end:
Preschool is Question 1
Elementary are Questions 2 to 12
Middle are Questions 13 to 21
High School are Questions 22 to 33
Online Academies is Question 34
Health and Wellness is Question 35
Every question has an "Other" response in case your favorite is not listed as an option. Simply choose "Other" and fill in your specific choice so they get credit for the vote.
The only questions that are required to answer are two question at the end (Numbers 36 and 37). Therefore, you can skip around and not answer every question and still enter to win our prize. However, please answer what you can.
What can I win?? 
We are giving away Four (4) $500 Visa Gift Cards that will be chosen from these survey responses.  Imagine what you could do with that much money. Now, don't have to give us your email address at the end of the survey, but if you don't give it to us, we can not inform you if you win.
The companies that win our Family Favorites designation will be chosen based on total votes and published before the New Year. We are expecting a lot of votes. (Deadline for Entries is Monday, December 12th, 2019)
Lastly, HAVE FUN!!  Don't stress over the choices. Do what you can and submit your favorites! Then, make sure to watch for the new edition of the Homeschool Family Favorites publication to come out before the end of this calendar year!
Oh! And, we are planning a virtual event just for the Homeschool Family Favorites so stay alert for more information on the virtual event.

Question Title

* 1. Please choose your favorite Preschool Curriculum (Please Choose All that Apply):

Question Title

* 2. Please choose your favorite Elementary Math curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 3. Please choose your favorite Elementary Reading and Phonics curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 4. Please choose your favorite Elementary Spelling and Vocabulary curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 5. Please choose your favorite Elementary Grammar curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 6. Please choose your favorite Elementary Writing Curriculum?

Question Title

* 7. Please choose your favorite Elementary Language Arts and/or Literature curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 8. Please choose your favorite Elementary Science curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 9. Please choose your favorite Elementary History/Social Studies/Geography curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 10. Please choose your favorite Elementary Art Curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 11. Please choose your favorite Elementary Handwriting curriculum

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* 12. Please choose your favorite Elementary Bible, Worldview, or Character curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 13. Please choose your favorite Middle School Math curriculum(s) (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 14. Please choose your favorite Middle School Language Arts and/or Literature curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 15. Please choose your favorite Middle School Writing Curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 16. Please Choose Your Favorite Middle School Grammar Curriculum (Choose All That Apply)

Question Title

* 17. Please choose your favorite Middle School Spelling and/or Vocabulary curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 18. Please choose your favorite Middle School Science curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 19. Please choose your favorite Middle School History/Social Studies/Geography curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 20. Please choose your favorite Middle School Art Curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 21. Please choose your favorite Middle School Bible, Worldview, or Character Curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 22. Please choose your favorite High School Algebra curriculums (Includes all levels of Algebra) Choose All That Apply:

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* 23. Please choose your favorite High School Geometry curriculum(s):

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* 24. Please choose your favorite High School Trigonometry, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus curriculum(s):

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* 25. Please choose your favorite High School Language Arts and/or Literature curriculum

Question Title

* 26. Please choose your favorite High School Writing curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

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* 27. Please choose your favorite High School Spelling or Vocabulary(Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 28. Please choose your favorite High School Biology curriculum (Choose All That Apply):

Question Title

* 29. Please choose your favorite High School Chemistry curriculum (Choose All That Apply):