Welcome to the Citizen to Leader Series

Thank you for your interest in nominating your candidate for the Citizen to Leader program! The first step to building better leaders is recognizing those among us with the potential to become them. Before completing the nomination form below, please take some time to read over the program requirements and expectations below. When you are finished, kindly complete the nomination form with your nominee by August 18, 2017. 
Program Description


This program includes a series of seminars designed to develop and enhance your leadership capacity and better equip you for increased responsibility. In this program, participants will gain a deeper understanding of their leadership capabilities, enhance their communication and coaching skills, build better relationships, and exchange ideas and experiences with fellow participants. Participants will be given the opportunity to participate in a 360 assessment to better understand their leadership strengths.

The Citizen to Leader program aims to:

·         Understand self and others and move towards being an authentic transformational leader;

·         understand and demonstrate the UOIT values;

·         raise awareness about the role and challenges of leadership at UOIT;

·         assist individuals in identifying the necessary capabilities required to develop themselves for their current and/or future roles at UOIT;       


All modules will be half a day in length with the exception of the Reconnect Lunches and the Landing Event.  The lunches will be approximately 90 minutes and the Landing Event in June will be a full day retreat.

Launch Event - Welcome and Context Setting (September 15, 2017)

Module 1: Your Role as a Leader (October 13, 2017) 

Module 2: Effective Communication (December 1, 2017)

Reconnect Lunch: Check in, network, peer-to-peer coaching and discuss challenges since first module.

Module 3: Leading Through Change (January 25, 2018)

Reconnect Lunch: Check in, network, peer-to-peer coaching and discuss challenges since third module.

Module 4: Coaching and Giving Effective Feedback (March 1, 2018)

Module 5: Performance Management (April 27, 2018)

Landing Event – Leadership Summit (June 2018).

Who is eligible?

This program is intended primarily for individuals who are in people leadership roles or emerging leaders who may move into such roles in the next year. 

Program Attendance and Expectations

Attending and actively participating in each of the sessions will maximize the success of the program and assure an optimal learning environment for all. It is expected that all participants, with the support of their nominators, will attend all five sessions. Participants who miss more than one session of the program may be ineligible to complete the program with their cohort. 

 It is important that all nominees and their respective nominators carefully review the program schedule in advance to ensure adherence to the strict attendance and participation requirements.

Nomination Instructions

Individuals meeting the minimum eligibility criteria may be nominated by their managers. We are looking to recogniz

Question Title

* I have read the program information and would like to continue with my nomination.