Registration form

This form is to be used by an individual who is applying for registration for the CTB Certification Program for Restaurants. Please, complete this form after you have read the document ‘Information Booklet - CTB Certification Program Restaurants’. For questions relating to this form, please contact CITI via

To apply for participation in the CTB Certification Program for Restaurants, please fill out all fields below.

Question Title

* 1. Business name:

Question Title

* 2. Business primary address

Question Title

* 3. Your name:

Question Title

* 4. Your job role in the business:

Question Title

* 5. Phone number:

Question Title

* 6. Email address:


For each statement listed below, please signify your completion and/or acceptance of the requirement by checking the boxes below.

Question Title

* 7. I confirm that I have read the document ‘Information Booklet - CTB Certification Program Restaurants’. And I confirm that I agree with the program’s terms and conditions.

Question Title

* 8. I declare that the information provided in this registration form is true and correct.

Please, click below to submit your registration.