
This survey is a key part of the second phase of a research project led by EU DisinfoLab, supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, seeking to map the diversity of actors fighting disinformation across Europe, understand the organisations better, where they are most effective and what challenges they experience. Further, it seeks to gather key information on the donors or organisations supporting these key actors, the nature of the support (financial or non-financial), what gaps in support exist and the resulting needs.

As a key actor in the fight against disinformation, we would very much appreciate your input into the research. Your response to this survey will be extremely helpful in building evidence on the needs which is essential when advocating for support to strengthen our field of work.

Your participation is voluntary and as we understand your time is precious, we have kept the survey brief with options to provide more in-depth information if you feel it is needed. Once the data from this survey is analysed, our team will follow up with you, with your consent (see end of the survey), to dig deeper.

To ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation, all data collected in the survey will be used solely for the purpose of this research. We will not share this raw data but store it securely on our servers. If we would like to use a quote from the survey, we will get in touch with you to ask for explicit consent. If, for any reason, after completing the survey you would like to make edits to the data, please let us know by emailing OR Furthermore, if you would not like specific information to be shared in our final report then please feel free to email us at any time.
The survey should take no longer than 30 minutes. We would greatly appreciate your response by 14 June as we will then close the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Considering the above information, do you consent to take part in this survey?