A short survey to assess interest in some ideas we have

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* 1. Would you listen to a podcast from our GMHC Board with guest speakers on a variety of topics? 

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* 2. Would you be interested in a peer support group - a place for LMHCs to come together and discuss troubles, and issues, or just receive guidance from other LMHCs?

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* 3. Would you be interested in an informal networking event? Getting to know local therapists, talking, maybe sharing some snacks?

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* 4. How do you prefer to receive information on the latest GMHC happenings?

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* 5. If you are a qualified supervisor, would you be interested in being listed on the GMHC website so that registered interns can easily find you? 

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* 6. If you have a specialty, would you be interested in mentoring new therapists (either registered interns or new LMHCs) in that specialty?  (I.E., not being their supervisor but answering some questions and being a resource that they can talk to if they need some advice)

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* 7. Are GMHC items (GMHC Swag) something that sparks your interest? I.E., if we were to offer key chains, mugs, and tee shirts - is that something you would like to receive or purchase?