Applications Due August 31st

Cabinet members will be expected to reach out to their counterpart in our state government and meet with them at least once during the school year to discuss youth issues.  Cabinet members will be expected to learn the duties of their position, advise the governor, and serve in the legislative program as well.   Your Advisor will be consulted about your application, and their approval will be required for you to serve.

While we strive to honor your first request, we do focus in developing a cohesive team that results in some applicants being offered a position they did not request. There are usually far more applicants than positions, so it is not possible to afford each applicant a position, but know each application will be carefully reviewed. If you have any questions please contact

Question Title

* 1. First Name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 7. Your Cell Phone Number, or main contact phone number.  Please include only the numbers, no hyphens or parentheses. For example please enter 5551234567 not (555) 123-4567

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* 8. Your Email.  Please make sure it is spelled correctly, as this will be the way you receive communication about the program.  Please do not use a school based email address, as most have strong filters and often filter out our emails.

Question Title

* 9. What does being a servant leader mean as a member of the cabinet?

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* 10. How would you act as a Servant Leader as a member of the Cabinet?

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* 11. Why are you interested in applying for the Cabinet of this Administration?

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* 12. There are many important issues in the United States of America today, what is one you find to be important, and why?

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* 13. Please Indicate Your level of Interest in Each Cabinet Position.

  1 - Least Interest 2 3 4 5 - Most Interest I do not wish to serve in this role.
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Climate
Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Secretary of Economic Development
Secretary of Technology Services and Security
Secretary of Public Safety and Security
Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development
Secretary of Transportation

Question Title

* 14. I hereby understand the terms and conditions of the YMCA Youth and Government program, and state that I, ____________________________________, if chosen for the Executive Cabinet will do my best to execute my position while modeling the four core values of the YMCA. (Type Your Name Below To Agree)